At Selwood Academy we pride ourselves on ensuring we deliver a broad and balanced curriculum that inspires and enthuses pupils to aim high, allowing them to reach their highest potential. As part of our strive to pursue excellence, we aim to embed ambition and raise aspirations in all of our pupils, so that they all can move forward in their education and careers in whichever field they wish to pursue.

Our careers programme plays a critical role in challenging assumptions regarding careers. We drive to continually build on our current CEIAG provision to ensure children are fully aware of all the options available to them in the future, both in their education and in the world of work.

CEIAG at Selwood Academy is high-quality, impartial and broad, allowing children to explore many different paths.

We have a PSHE curriculum that allows for exploration of careers and development of skills for the workplace. We have opportunities during the year to allow children to meet with employers and universities.

Careers Staff


The Senior Leadership Careers Lead is Andy Ellett, Assistant Headteacher. Dave Finlay, Deputy Head is responsible for oversight of careers within the curriculum. Jenni Howell is responsible for design and implementation of the careers curriculum PSHE.

Our Careers Link Trustee is Abi Lyons, who is the Deputy Director, Culture & Inclusion at Bath University.

We also have a business Enterprise Adviser (EA) Dawn Denton who is linked to our school and offers support from a business perspective on our careers curriculum. Dawn has a wealth of experience, she is a published author, blogger and social media trainer. She has a background in tourism, teaching and event planning.

Please contact Andy Ellett if a pupil would benefit from a meeting with a qualified Careers Adviser, particularly around choosing options.

We work in partnership with the Somerset Careers Hub and Selwood Academy are implementing and evaluated on the Gatsby Foundation’s eight Career Benchmarks of good practice.